Short Introduction about Doll.Finance
DollSwap is a decentralized exchange running on Binance Smart Chain, with lots of other features that let you earn and win tokens.
It's fast, cheap, and anyone can use it.
It's also got Dolls.
The exchange is an automated market maker (“AMM”) that allows two tokens to be exchanged on the Binance Smart Chain.
On top of that, you can earn DOLL and many others with yield farms, earn DOLL with Staking, and earn even more tokens with Smart pools.
Win big with the DollSwap Lottery & Games!
In very simple terms, why would we want to drive a slower car that costs more to run? We're all about gamification, so we want to maximize the feedback loop of earning, staking, and earning again: BSC's superior speed and much (much much) lower transaction fees let us do this.
While BSC might not have the level of adoption Ethereum does at current, we believe in Binance’s ability and drive to get it mighty close in the foreseeable future.
Faster & Cheaper. We’re a Decentralized Exchange on Binance Smart Chain. Visit us at https://Doll.Finance
DollSwap is an Automated Market Maker, Yield Farming, and Staking platform on Binance Smart Chain (forked from PancakeSwap). DollSwap was built by DeFi Dolls, for DeFi Dolls. We have a dedicated team of experienced Dolls, who have been in the crypto space for years. $DOLL is the native currency of our platform. Stake, pool, and earn $DOLL all on DollSwap.
With no early investors, no pre-farming, no reserving. DollSwap has a 100% fair launch on BSC.
We are combining some of the most exciting innovations in Defi and NFT. Also, we are having a 100% fair launch for the community.
You can play DOLL DEX as a game and have lots of fun from it. Come to the Doll world and make your own world! Also, don't forget your NFT equipment!
DollSwap allows users to trade BEP20 tokens, provide liquidity to the exchange and earn fees, stake LP tokens to earn DOLL, stake DOLL to earn more DOLL and stake DOLL to earn tokens of other projects.
DollSwap uses an automated market maker model, meaning that there are no order books and liquidity pools are used instead. A user can earn income by becoming a liquidity provide; by adding their tokens to the liquidity pool they can farm LP tokens and stake their DOLL to earn rewards. They can also try their luck with the lotteries and non-fungible tokens.
The DollSwap token DOLL is a BEP20 token that originally launched on Binance Smart Chain. The main function of DOLL is to incentivize the liquidity provision to the DollSwap platform.
Are you gonna burn $DOLL?
Of course! We have lots of burning planned as we grow and continue to get community support. We’ll make sure to announce it each time we burn 🔥 Additionally, we have designed a first-of-its-kind $DOLL Burn Map. Work together as a community to hit milestones and trigger a $DOLL burn
What’s Next? How do I get Involved?
Good questions! Keep up to date with these resources:
Doll.Finance App:
Twitter :
Telegram :
Contract Details DollToken: 0x92a996B29Bf9EB45c938b5E43e9704d79375F35E
MasterDoll: 0x464230b143e03BFAb82a0acB6C04C670f341E268
DollFactory: 0x58ff21c807315c8ec1B6F29FCD4ac785FF6D9d59
DollRouter: 0xf92A29309805fbBb1D4AE2A97a3D9539f461C2Fa
Token swaps on DollSwap are a simple way to trade one BEP-20 token for another via automated liquidity pools. Simple Swap UI
The liquidity provided to the exchange comes from Liquidity Providers ("LPs") who stake their tokens in "Pools". In exchange, they get Doll LP (DollSwap Liquidity Provider) tokens, which can also be staked to earn Doll tokens in the "farm".
When you make a token swap (trade) on the exchange you will pay a 0.2% trading fee, which is broken down as follows:
0.17% - Returned to liquidity pools in the form of a fee reward for liquidity providers.
0.03% - Sent to the DollSwap Treasury.
How to Trade on the DollSwap Exchange ( Doll.Finance )
Go to the exchange page here.
Unlock your Binance Smart Chain Wallet (top right-hand side).
Select the tokens you wish to trade and enter the amount.
Check the details, and click “Swap”.
Check the details and click “Confirm Swap”.
Confirm the transaction in your wallet.
Done! You can click “View on bscscan” to see your transaction details.
DollSwap pools allow you to provide liquidity by adding your tokens to liquidity pools or “LPs”.
When you add your token to a liquidity pool (LP), you will receive Doll LP tokens (DollSwap’s version of liquidity provider tokens).
As an example, if you deposited $DOLLand $BNB into a liquidity pool, you would receive DOLL-BNB DOLL LP tokens.
The number of DOLL LP tokens you receive represents your portion of the DOLL -BNB liquidity pool. You can also redeem your funds at any time by removing your liquidity.
Providing liquidity is not without risk, as you may be exposed to impermanent loss. “Simply put, impermanent loss is the difference between holding tokens in an AMM and holding them in your wallet
It’s not all bad for liquidity providers as you will also be given a reward in the form of trading fees. Whenever someone trades DollSwap, the trader pays a 0.2% fee, of which 0.17% is added to the liquidity pool of the swap pair they traded on.
For example:
There are 10 DOLL LP tokens representing 10 DOLL /Any BEP20 tokens and 10 BNB tokens.
1 DOLL LP token = 1 DOLL + 1 BNB
Someone trades 10 DOLL for 10 BNB.
Someone else trades 10 BNB for 10 DOLL .
The DOLL/BNB liquidity pool now has 10.017 DOLL and 10.017 BNB.
Each DOLL LP token is now worth 1.00017 PIZZA + 1.00017 BNB.
To make being a liquidity provider even more worth your while, you can also put your DOLL LP tokens to work whipping up some fresh yield on the DOLL farms (here), while still earning your 0.17% trading fee reward.
We are taking DOLL an example
Go to the Liquidity page here.
Connect your Binance Smart Chain Wallet (top-right hand corner)
Go to the exchange page here and click “Pool” and then “Add Liquidity”.
You now have liquidity tokens . Next, go back to the farm page here.
How to Yield Farm on DollSwap
Pick which farm you want to use. For this example, we will pick the DOLL-BNB farm.
Click “Approve Contract” on the farm you want to use.
Click the “Stake LP” button to stake your liquidity tokens.
Enter the number of liquidity tokens you want to stake and click “Confirm”.
Done! Now you are farming DOLL tokens!
How to Yield DOLL on DollSwap Pools
Connect your Binance Smart Chain Wallet (top-right hand corner)
Done! Now you are Pool & Stake DOLL tokens!
We doll community donate doll tokens across the world who are taking care of charity activities to kids education and health.
Bring a smile to an underprivileged kid's face by donating Dolls…
Every child, as he or she grows up, deserves dolls to play with. Dolls not only entertain the child, but also help in the child’s emotional and educational development. A toddler’s skills improve as it identifies colours and shapes in doll toys.
Underprivileged children from poor backgrounds are no different from other children. But they are deprived of the joys and pleasures of playing with dolls simply because their parents lack the means to buy dolls.
We doll community donate doll tokens across the world who are taking care of charity activities to kids education and health
Launching Soon !
Launching Soon !
Launching Soon !
DOLL is the token used to incentivize the products of the DOLL DeFi ecosystem. In exchange, a large portion of the revenues are directed towards reward and burning it, the ultimate goal is to make DOLL deflationary.
Contract Address (BSC): 0x92a996b29bf9eb45c938b5e43e9704d79375f35e
1,000,000,000,000,000 DOLL
Token : 0x92a996B29Bf9EB45c938b5E43e9704d79375F35E
Factory : 0x58ff21c807315c8ec1B6F29FCD4ac785FF6D9d59
Router : 0xf92A29309805fbBb1D4AE2A97a3D9539f461C2Fa
MasterChef : 0x464230b143e03BFAb82a0acB6C04C670f341E268